Empowering Youth Through Adventure, Friendship, and Life Skills

Adventure, Skills, and Growth for Young People

Charity Overview

Welcome to the official website of 1ST BOVINGDON SCOUTS. We are dedicated to supporting the personal development, growth, and well-being of young people, helping them reach their full potential. Through outdoor adventures, community projects, and skill-building activities, we empower youth to become confident, responsible citizens.

For details from the Charity Commission (UK), please visit: 1ST BOVINGDON SCOUTS - Overview

Our programs foster leadership, teamwork, and resilience. By engaging in creative challenges and community service, members learn valuable life skills, gain a sense of accomplishment, and build lasting friendships.

What, Who, How, Where

To learn more about the work we do, who we serve, how we operate, and where we are active, please refer to: Operational Details

Our group offers a range of activities including camping, hiking, community clean-ups, and skill-based workshops. These endeavors not only spark a sense of adventure but also encourage responsibility, empathy, and respect for nature and society.


For information about our governance and leadership structure, please visit: Governance Information

Our leadership team, supported by dedicated volunteers and committee members, ensures that all activities are run ethically, efficiently, and with the best interests of our youth members in mind. We adhere to national guidelines, maintain transparency, and continuously seek opportunities for improvement.

Contact Information

If you would like to get in touch, learn more, or volunteer, please find our contact details here: Contact Information

We welcome parents, guardians, community members, and supporters to join us in our mission. Your involvement and contributions help enrich the lives of young people, encouraging them to discover their strengths and passions.

Our Location

Our Mission and Values

At 1ST BOVINGDON SCOUTS, our mission is to inspire young people to unlock their potential, develop essential life skills, and embrace positive values through engaging activities, community involvement, and leadership opportunities. We aim to nurture confident, curious, and compassionate individuals prepared to contribute meaningfully to society.

We uphold the core values of respect, integrity, teamwork, and social responsibility. By encouraging honesty, kindness, and a spirit of adventure, we help young people build resilience, celebrate diversity, and appreciate the world around them.

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